Cargo Reports – January 2014 – Iron Ore from Ports – Text & Tabular

January 31, 2014
January 31, 2014 LCA

Winter Puts Lakes Ore Trade in the Deep Freeze in January

CLEVELAND—Shipments of iron ore on the Great Lakes totaled 2 million tons in January, a decrease of 37 percent compared to a year ago. The decrease was entirely the result of the early and harsh winter. Voyages that should have taken a few days often stretched more than a week. There were also significant delays at loading docks.

Shipments from U.S. ports totaled 1.8 million tons, a decrease of 39 percent compared to a year ago. Only one port, Escanaba, Michigan, increased its shipments compared to a year ago. Escanaba is located below the Soo Locks, so it can keep shipping after the locks close on January 15.

Shipments on the Seaway totaled 237,000 tons, a decrease of 16 percent.


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