Lake Carriers’ Association Statement On Passage of Federal Ballast Water Legislation

November 15, 2018
November 15, 2018 LCA

CLEVELAND — Lake Carriers’ Association (LCA), the trade association representing U.S.-flag vessel operators on the Great Lakes since 1880, has issued the following statement on passage of the 2018 U.S. Coast Guard Authorization Act, which includes the Vessel Incidental Discharge Act (VIDA):

“Lake Carriers’ Association is pleased with the Senate passage of the 2018 U.S. Coast Guard Authorization Act including the Vessel Incidental Discharge Act (VIDA).  VIDA is the result of many stakeholders coming to the table to craft this final version.  VIDA is a good balance, achieving protection of both the economy and the environment.  Importantly, it includes Great Lakes-specific provisions that provide the flexibility to establish uniform practices and standards more protective of our Great Lakes.  Over the next few years, LCA looks forward to engaging with our government and regional partners to develop practical and implementable regulations to meet the letter and spirit of the bill.”

About Lake Carriers’ Association

Lake Carriers’ Association (“LCA”) represents 13 American companies that operate 45 U.S.-flag vessels (“lakers”) on the Great Lakes and carry the raw materials that drive the nation’s economy: iron ore and fluxstone for the steel industry, aggregate and cement for the construction industry, coal for power generation, as well as salt, sand and grain. Collectively, its members can transport more than 90 million tons of dry-bulk cargo per year and employ more than 1,600 men and women, all of whom are U.S. citizens or legally admitted aliens, and provide annual wages and benefits of approximately $125 million. In turn, those cargos create and sustain nearly 116,000 jobs in the eight Great Lakes states and generate more than $20 billion in economic activity, $8.3 billion in personal income, $16.4 billion in business revenue, $4.1 billion in local purchases and $3.7 billion in taxes.

For further information contact Jim Weakley, President (440-333-9995) or Tom Rayburn, Director of Environmental and Regulatory Affairs (440-333-9994).

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