Great Lakes Observing System
Great Lakes Observing System
The Great Lakes Observing System coordinates Great Lakes data collection, management, and sharing. The Great Lakes Observing System (GLOS) provides end-to-end data services that support science, policy, management, and industry in the Great Lakes. A bi-national nonprofit, GLOS aims to enable easy access to the real-time and historical lake data that the people of the region need. By taking a user-oriented approach to organizing the technologies, people, and processes involved in monitoring the Great Lakes, GLOS is building a system where data is sharable and interoperable so that our immensely valuable freshwater resources can be better managed and more fully understood. Our focus falls into the following categories: maritime safety, ecosystems and fisheries, public health, and climate adaptation
A bi-national nonprofit providing access to the real-time and historical lake data and services that support science, policy, management, and industry in the Great Lakes. LCA is a Board member.